In a group of very smart chimps, Ivy dominates with her strong will and impressive intellect. Feisty might be an understatement for this girl – she loves to stir up trouble, and she’s not above using manipulation tactics to get what she wants from chimps and humans alike. One on hand, she’s an artsy girl who loves to paint and cuddle up in a cozy blanket on a cool day. She insists on helping her caregivers clean her food trough (and will express her displeasure if they do it without her!). On the other hand, she can’t resist tormenting her groupmates – she’s been known to sit on Emma just to enjoy the loud sounds Emma makes when she screams, and she loves to poke Jaybird just to rile him up a bit. Even though she’s a little bit toxic, we can’t help but admire her commitment to doing exactly what she wants. We can only hope she calms down with age!
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