Sabrina is very socially savvy and is always paying attention to the dynamics of her groupmates, especially the group’s alpha, Jordon. She tends to be more of a “chimp’s chimp” and looks to her human caregivers as her own personal food dispensers, who she’ll cue for snacks by bobbing her head, sticking her hand out, pointing at what she wants, quietly panting, staring, or following. Lori is her longtime bud, and they’ve always got each other’s backs in group disputes. Sabrina loves juice, and when she wants it she’s been known to toss a little spit to get her caregivers’ attention. Like the rest of her social group, she’s food crazy and she’s not above stealing the occasional banana. Once she and her groupmate, Chicken, were both being handed their banana at the same time, and each of them reached over to steal the others’ banana…it all evened out in the end, but Sabrina was a little peeved she didn’t get the bonus banana she was looking for!