Puppy Love: Sanctuary chimps mesmerized by special guests for National Dog Day

Chimp Haven hosts regular dog visits as part of its chimpanzee enrichment program
You can tell by the pant hoots that pups aren’t something the chimpanzees at Chimp Haven sanctuary see every day – and the perked-up ears of Jax and Parker show it’s a two-way fascination.

National Dog Day’s a perfect time to celebrate the two who make special visits to the sanctuary, going for walks outside and around the chimpanzee habitats. It’s not just for fun – the guest appearances help keep the chimps mentally and physically stimulated and engaged
It’s important to Chimp Haven’s caregivers to ensure the chimps are mentally and physically stimulated and engaged by their environment. They design special activities from sensory experiences like occasional live classical music or dance performances, to challenging food puzzles where chimps design tools to fish out hidden treats. Dog Days at Chimp Haven are one more way to keep life interesting for these retirees.
“Enrichments are things we give the chimps to engage their mind,” said Hailey Adams, Behavior Technician. “It could be something like a fruit they haven’t seen before or lots of different puzzle toys and sometimes it can be special guests like the ones we have for Dog Day.”

For Dog Day at Chimp Haven, Adams’ dogs, Jax and Parker, visit the sanctuary and join the team as they go for a walk outside, and around the chimpanzee habitats. Dogs mix things up for the chimps, sparking their natural curiosity as they observe the dogs from afar.
For many chimps, it’s puppy love at first site. For others, it may be curiosity or wonder. Reactions from the chimps to the dogs vary, several of them run up to the mesh to get a closer look, some observe these new creatures closely, while other chimps “display,” a common behavior where they demonstrate their power to make sure the dogs know who’s boss.
“This gives the chimps something new to see, it’s a change in their environment and to be honest I think it’s really enriching for the dogs too because a chimp is a pretty rare sight,” said Adams. “We do a large variety of enrichment activities here at the sanctuary, but dog days is definitely one of our favorites at Chimp Haven.”