Our first five arrivals of the year came to us in January, and they’ve spent the past few weeks getting settled in. Meet our newbies below!
Alfredo may be a sanctuary newbie, but he’s already a staff favorite. Everyone loves him, and as you get to know him, it’s no mystery why. He loves interacting with people, especially through a good game of chase where he shows off his signature “gallop.” He also happens to be a very handsome guy. “He’s perfect,” says Caregiver Ellen.

Lucy’s a friendly girl who loves to eat grass and also seems to really enjoy having her picture taken! In situations where other chimps might be a little nervous – like moving into a new living space for the first time – Lucy is brave, leading the way for the rest of her group. She and Alfredo arrived at the sanctuary together, and the two remain close (staff likes to compare them to an old married couple).

Shay is a little guy who needs a little time to warm up to new situations and friends. He would prefer it if you didn’t touch his things, like his fishers or his bedroom mesh, thank you very much. But as both Alfredo and Caregiver Ellen learned, if you’re persistent, Shay will eventually come around. He and Alfredo have become buddies, and just the other day he presented his belly to Caregiver Ellen for tickles.

Katy is large and in charge, and has no qualms about taking what she wants – namely food, especially from Alfredo. She was excited to see the whole group during their introductions, and has developed a close relationship with Lucy and Wanda, who she likes to hang out with.

Wanda is a laid back girl who loves being outside – in fact, you might even find her hanging out in the pouring rain, perfectly content! She’s close to the other girls in her group but also like lots of quiet time to herself. She and the gang also love snooping on their neighbors.