Chimp Stories

Love Stories: Happy & Grumpy

Chimp Haven
Chimp Haven February 11, 2020
Love Stories: Happy & Grumpy

With Valentine’s Day coming up, we’re celebrating ALL the love here at the sanctuary. One of the most wonderful things about life at Chimp Haven is watching new friendships, families, bromances, and, yes, even romances, develop between the retirees. We’re excited to share a few of those love stories here with you this week!

Happy came to the sanctuary earlier this year, and with her she brought a beloved stuffed monkey that staff quickly nicknamed Grumpy. Happy adores Grumpy and she rarely parts from him except for very brief moments when she “shares” him with her favorite chimp and human friends…but only for a moment!

After Happy’s group was introduced to a new play yard, and in her excitement she left Grumpy behind in her bedroom. Care Coordinator Mary and team took the opportunity to give Grumpy a much-needed bath before reuniting him with a very excited Happy.

Recently staff attempted to gift Happy with a larger version of her Grumpy, but she simply pulled out all the stuffing and put the “old Grumpy” into the “new Grumpy” for safekeeping.

“You’ll see her take off to go back inside her bedroom, and you’ll realize she’s running back in there to fetch Grumpy, and it just makes you smile,” says Caregiver Miranda.

All the heart eyes for this sweet girl!

Chimp Haven
Chimp Haven