The sanctuary’s only deaf chimpanzee, Sheena is a tough and independent female who regularly makes and uses tools. She has loud vocalizations and has even been seen using sticks to intimidate other chimps, earning her the nickname “Warrior Princess.” Even though she’s tough, she has a soft side and helps take care of elderly or ill chimpanzees in her group. She’s also a very particular chimp who will only retrieve food from certain locations. Her cleverness helps her to be proficient at enrichment activities, and she’s incredibly smart and quick to learn despite her absence of hearing. While doing positive reinforcement training, her trainer will use visual cues to let her know when she has done something correctly. She also participates in the sanctuary’s recall program, in which a sound is used to ask the chimps to come inside during inclement weather. Instead of a sound cue, Sheena is shown a bright orange frisbee, which is her sign that it’s time to go inside with the rest of her group.
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